2020, 06. 08
ما هي أرضيات ESPC؟
Engineered Solid Plastic Composite(ESPC) combines advantages of both SPC and LVT, it remains the excellent dimensional stability, being water-proof,rigid of SPC ,but also provides softness of LVT.With IXPE cushioned backing. ESPC provides a quieter, warmer vinyl flooring.
2020, 08. 03
SPC Flooring A\B\C Decor Film Pattern Design
تقدم DECNO فيلمًا مبتكرًا للديكور يحتوي على نمطين تصميم (A / B) بنفس اللون ولكن بتصميمات مختلفة. تأثير مميز وطبيعي دون تكرار وكذلك إظهار الجمال الفني والسحر الفريد.
2020, 07. 21
لماذا تختار ABA SPC Flooring؟
أفضل شيء في هيكل ABA هو أنه يحافظ على الطابع الصلب لـ SPC ويضيف لمسة ناعمة لأرضيات الفينيل PVC. هذه بطاقة SPC متميزة توفر خيارات نقش أفضل وامتصاص صوتي رائع ومنتج أكثر سمكًا بشكل عام.
2020, 12. 21
أرضيات متعرجة SPC
SPC flooring Various patterns such as wood grain, textured, EIR, marble ceramic printing or even customized you can choose, you can find almost all you want in DECNO SPC flooring.Besides all these strengths, different arrangements of planks will have a big difference in style. It might be difficult to keep up with interior flooring design trends, but if you are...
2018, 11. 24
أداء ممتاز لأرضيات SPC
Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring from Stone Barn is a new multi-layer flooring product , Decno Group Co., Ltd. develops and produces new SPC floor that truly dares to say no formaldehyde, owing properties with waterproof, wear-resistant and silent,Stain Resistance,Anti Cigarette.
2018, 06. 14
ميزة أرضيات SPC
Decno Group Co., Ltd. develops and produces new SPC floor that truly dares to say no formaldehyde, owing properties with waterproof, wear-resistant and silent. It is a disruptive innovation in the flooring industry which has synchronized best-selling colors in Europe and the United States and beautiful visual effects.